Creative Work - Magazine Covers
Creative Work - Magazine Covers
Sedated Issue 01
During adolescence, young people often experience a range of emotions that can be difficult to navigate. They may feel lost or uncertain about their future, but also excited and hopeful about the possibilities that lie ahead.
Through its artistic exploration, the “Sedated" seeks to capture the complexity of these emotions and convey them to a wider audience.
For this project I started to develop a
new fashion medium in the style of a
bi-annual print magazine, these are the four covers of the first issue titled “Heaven Spots”.

Sedated Issue 02
The second issue of the “Sedated” develops this even further, integrating a modern component through the topic of the on-going digitalization of society. “Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die”, delves into this vast topic concerning youth today.
Following are the four covers of the second “Sedated” issue.The magazine's focus on fashion adds an interesting dimension to this exploration, as clothing and personal style can be powerful expressions of identity and self-discovery during this time.
By featuring young creatives, the “Sedated" showcases the creative energy and individuality that can emerge during this phase of life.